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How to grow tomatoes


Tomatoes are a popular choice when growing your own fruits or vegetables. There's nothing quite like picking your very own sun ripened tomatoes, fresh off the plant. You don't need a big garden to grow tomatoes, a sunny patio or balcony will be just fine!

Types of tomatoes

  • Cherry tomatoes - small and round, ideal for salads and snacking

  • Plum tomatoes - small and oblong shaped. Plum tomatoes have fewer seeds making them great for sauces

  • Salad tomatoes - round tomatoes about 5-8 cm in diameter. A great allrounder for sauces, sandwiches and salads

  • Beefeater tomatoes - large and fleshy tomatoes. Ideal for sauces or sliced up for your burgers!

How to grow tomato seeds

Tomatoes will easily germinate on a sunny windowsill but they do have a long growing season, so it is best to plant soon (early Spring)

  • Plant tomato seeds 1cm deep in moist multi-purpose compost in small pots or in a seed tray. Cover with a clear plastic bag or try to act as a mini greenhouse. Place in a bright and warm spot.

  • Once little shoots begin to appear, you can remove the plastic cover and let them grow on in the pot or tray.

  • When large enough to handle without damaging the seedlings, plant into slightly larger pots to grow on. It is best to keep them inside still at this point.

  • Begin to harden off the plants as the weather warms, putting them outside in a sheltered sunny spot during the day and bringing them back in at night.

  • Once all risk of frost has definitely passed, you can plant your tomato plant into larger pots and grow them outside for the rest of the Summer.

Caring for your tomato plants

  • Tomato plants like to be kept in moist but well drained soil, in full sunlight.

  • They are happy to be grow outside or in a greenhouse.

  • Water regularly and keep the moisture of the soil consistent. If you let the plants dry out and then over water, this is when the fruits will split.

  • Once the fruits have started to form, feed fortnightly with a high potash liquid tomato food, such as Tomorite or Westland Big Tom Boost.

  • Harvest when they show a good colour with a shine to the skin. They should be slightly tender to touch but not soft.

We have everything you need at Pacific Nurseries to get you started growing your own tomatoes this year! Our first homegrown tomato plants will be ready around the Easter weekend.

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